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About The House
Does your heart start pounding on Monday in anticipation of Saturday’s snowboard outing? Do you dream of Fat Bikes instead of sandy beaches? Would you rather climb Everest than the corporate ladder? Since 1982, The House has been passionate about equipping everyone from weekend warriors to sherpas with the best outdoor gear on the planet.
Gear is an extension of who we are and what we value, so it must enrich the experiences that keep our active lives moving forward. At each touchpoint, The House educates, enriches and invigorates its members to form a symbiotic relationship among cultures, sports, and lifestyles.
Each product we sell has been researched and tested by experts and, ultimately, approved by the end user–that’s you, the driving force behind everything that keeps us stoked! Simply put: We Embody What We Sell.
The House Product Review
Below you’ll find some of the most common buying guides and size charts brought to you by The House staff. Check out our blog for much more!
Snowboard shop and snowboarding gear
The snow is soft and you won’t fall going at high speeds when you first start out. The great news is that once you fall, you can get right back up and try again! Trust us, EVERYONE falls at the beginning.
Snowboarding is worth the effort, though. Learning is part of the fun and you’ll feel like a rockstar when you make it down the hill without falling for the first time.
The-House.com has been the premier online snowboard shop for over 30 years, supporting those that love snowboarding by offering the best in selection and service with simple online source for snowboards and snowboarding gear.
New to the sport? Check out our tips and trips for buying your first snowboard. If you have another trip to the slopes lined up soon, be sure to check out our pro packing guide.
The House Bike shop Review
We’re proud to offer a wide selection of bikes and biking accessories in over 25 categories, but we understand how this can make the shopping process a bit overwhelming. With all of these options available, how do you find the bike that’s right for you?
For starters, evaluate what kind of riding you’ll be doing. Each model we offer is designed for a particular style of biking, so it’s important to ensure it’s is well-equipped for your chosen style. If you’re simply riding for leisure, you have a little more freedom when it comes to your choices.
If you know you’ll be exposed to certain terrains, such as road, mountain, or dirt, it’s extremely important to choose a model that is capable of handling that type of terrain. If you’re looking to catch some air as well as practice and perform tricks, BMX options are the way to go.
Whichever style you prefer, or whatever style you’re looking to get into, we’re proud to be your one-stop online bike shop and offer the very best in both service and selection!
The House Mens clothing shops Review
Shop men’s clothing and outerwear for sale from the House! From high-flying winter jackets and pants to stylish streetwear and accessories, we have everything you need to complete your look and have you performing at your best.
Snowboard and ski jackets ensure you have quality protection on the slopes, while down jackets, windbreakers, fleece and more keep you comfortable on frigid winter days. You’ll want to keep your legs protected too, so shop our huge selection of the some of the finest snowboard/ski pants, snow pants and casual pants available.
When you’re done shredding and just want to chill with your buddies, stock up on casual streetwear items such as hoodies, t-shirts, tank tops and much more to ensure you have an on-trend look at all times. We carry all the brands you know and love like Burton, DC, RVCA, Hurley and many many more.
All of our men’s clothing items are made with durable fabric and quality materials to ensure that you always have a comfortable wear that is designed to last for years to come. Whether you’re out on the slopes, out at the beach or making your way downtown, we have all the men’s clothes to ensure you look and feel your best.
The House Women’s clothing shops Review
Be ready for all of life’s opportunities with The House’s huge selection of women’s clothing shops. From snowboard, ski and cross-country jackets to casual streetwear, The House has everything you need to make the most of all your adventures and look amazing at the same time.
All of our women’s clothing is made with a variety of fabric blends that are comfortable and made to last, and are available in all the brands you love like Burton, Roxy, 2117 of Sweden and more. Whether you’re racing down the slopes or going out on the town, our women’s clothing shop’s here to equip you.
The House Shoe shop Review
The Men’s Shoe Shop at The House has all the footwear you need to walk the walk and talk the talk. Featuring a huge variety of footwear options to choose from, you’re sure to find a pair that is perfect for any occasion and outfit.
From casual boots and shoes for weekend outings with friends to trail running shoes, bike shoes, water shoes and more, we have whatever you need to protect your feet and look your best. Spending the day at the beach? Pick up a pair of sandals before you go.
For those with a heart for the skatepark, we carry on-trend skate and BMX shoes designed to up your game as well as your style. Each of these shoes is made with durable fabrics and sole materials to ensure your feet are protected and comfortable for years to come.
Our men’s shoes are supplied for trusted manufacturers such as Nike, Vans, Etnies, Adidas and many more, so you can be confident you’re walking in some of the best shoes on the market. Whether you’re hiking through the woods, ripping at the skate park or just going for a walk around town, we have all the shoes you need for any occasion.